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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

el oh ve ee

Its February 1. Tomorrow our winter rests on if the groundhog will see his shadow or not.  My littles are very excited about this.  Some of them want winter and some rather have summer.  I am not hating the weather this year. I mean it was 60 today. Usually we have this horrible bitter weather, which I am sure will come next week now that I was bragging about how warm it has been.

So now we are in the month of Love. I am going to have lots of posts about  my struggles and wins with my own life's love walk. It is no walk in the park for sure, but it is worth it! I also hope to have some guest articles on love from some super fabulous people..

Love a challenge...  Tomorrow starts a ten day clean eating challenge. You wanna know more see my fitness guru.  I am excited but the NO coffee part could prove to be a very dangerous thing for people within a ten foot radius of me. Some of you know but recently I have been having several incidences with hypoglycemia.  I am not diabetic.  This is reactive to something I am consuming which triggers my blood sugar to plummet- causing a variety of symptoms. I know its all manageable with a clean diet.. so I am excited to get this going and make some real changes.  My best guess so far is that gluten is the trigger. So... moving forward to a gluten-free lifestyle starting tomorrow should really help with this issue.

In other news, my two and almost four year old have turned the full on all day button on and don't. stop.ever. They are tiring me out. It is nearly 11pm and they are still up. Talking about their new boots and going to the beach tomorrow.  I have no idea what they are talking about, but they are stinking cute so I let them ramble in their broken English.

I hope you enter this month in full awareness of how much you are loved and choosing to show love to all those who come in contact with you.

Be blessed wildly,
wendy xoxoxo

Oh, and if you get a chance, "like" this page on Facebook..


  1. you make me smile! looking forward to seeing watcha got for 'love month'! XOXO

  2. El oh vee ee! You can have coffee, you just can't have sugar. So that is up to you my dear. ;) And my coffee cravings and headache stopped at Day 3, so that wasn't too terrible.


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