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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog Hop ~ Comparison: Thief of Joy?

Linking in to the Comparison Blog Hop on Dangerous Linda and Everyday Gyaan.

"Comparison is the thief of joy"-Teddy Roosevelt 

Hmmm.  My soul shouts a resonating AMEN!  I read the word "comparison" and I am immediately taken to the small round tables and little tiny chairs of  Mrs. Marcuccio's kindergarten classroom. The worksheets in which we would compare items-you know,  put like-items in groups and X out what doesn't belong.  And there is just the beginning of what we as a group tend to do whether intentionally or not.   Then this somehow begins a war within some of us that we compare our financial position to others, the span of our thighs, even in our churches we compare what another denomination is doing vs ours.  Let's be honest, some of you, right now, are comparing your writing ability to mine. Comparison that leads to judgment is a thief of joy. 


Comparison in order to improve oneself is healthy and can be a huge source of encouragement.  Think about losing weight, you see your success by the comparison you make with, for example, numbers on a scale each week or month.  If you do not compare where you were from where you are, there is little joy that can be found in the accomplishment.  

In short, I agree with Mr. Roosevelt's statement that comparison will steal joy- when in the context of comparing oneself to others in a way that can cause undue stress and mental anguish-leading to judgment on oneself or others.  Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:3, "I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself." 

However, to use comparison as a tool for all things positive such as as a "LOOKY LOOK! I'm not where I was and am making progress", then that is an increase in joy and could even be used as encouragement to keep up on a positive course of action. 

Choose love and be blessed wildly, 
wendy xoxoxo


  1. I think you're right. Comparison seems to have merit depending on the context. Nice write.

  2. Hi, Wendy! ~

    Wow! Short & Sweet -- it's all in there! You and I come from a similar perspective on this so there's not much else to say about that ;-)

    I can honestly tell you that I was NOT comparing my writing ability to yours. I was, however, comparing the fact that I spent 5 days pondering my post and then 1 long day writing it and you whipped yours out in about an hour and a half from the moment you heard about the hop -- haha! You are my blogging super-hero!

    Thank you for contributing your wisdom to The Comparison Blog Hop! XOXO

    1. Linda..
      I think and deal with this topic alot bc one of my hats is counseling. I see what comparison can do both on both ends of the spectrum.

      As far as comparing my writing, that is my own weakness because I know I am a technically terrible writer. :)


  3. I agree that there are good and bad aspects to comparisons but that judgment mostly is not constructive. I'm glad to have visited your blog through the hop.

  4. Simple and to the point. I enjoyed reading it. I look at it as enhancing or encouraging the traits we have to shine through... to make it work for us. Using what we know is good for us..
    It has been interesting to read the many view points through this blog hop.

  5. Wendy - First of all thanks for joining the hop. Second, I find your post fantastic - you've covered the positives and negatives so well. I like the scripture passage you chose too. ♥

  6. This is nice....comparing with ones own results and raising the bar for yourself so that we can out perform ourselves.

  7. Nicely written. You have described 'comparison' in a brilliant way and I totally agree with what you have said. I imagine that most people do seem to automatically compare, regardless of what the object may be, because it is instilled in us at a very young age. Learning to use comparison to our advantage is wise. Too many people allow themselves to be brought down by comparing too much to others.

  8. Great post Wendy.

  9. Written with the wisdom of someone who has risen from the mire....

  10. Hello.
    I agree comparison is good when used as a tool to measure our growth. Nice post on the topic.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Great post...unfortunately I do believe comparison is a a thief in the night...because of my disorder DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) I have been shunned and talked about..rejected...because people refuse to get to know me....because they don't wanna see who I really am....As always....XOXOXOXO

  12. Oh I didn't know comparison has a lot of sides to it, but coming to blog hops has enriched me a lot. You are right about our activities in school. And I agree that if we use comparison to our edge in a positive kind of way, it could help us improve a lot.

    Simple and direct to the point :)


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