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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Real Ezering

Just a vessel for something greater. Choice to be used  or to ignore a calling greater than myself.
still small is the voice that I want to hear and ignore all at the same time
its too much for me, all that He requires
sloppy grace
is easy
yet its clamoring and loud never peaceful at my soul’s door
I want Him but at what personal cost?
I spat in the face of His grace – all His love for me because I want easy
Tired. Stressed. Depleted.
Regroup my motives
Take it away, take it all,
Stripped down to nothing
And He is found,
Still there ,Still aware of all
That I cannot pretend to be
Didn’t I want to be chosen
Am I not lovely
Is there anything left inside
Messy confused displaced heart
This flesh, my flesh holding me captive
Choose which way
It all matters
Grander schemes or pointless dreams
My journey travels on
Yet knowing it will lead to eternal glory if I just allow it
But I
Chose to ignore it chose to be my own captain and speak
Only when afraid of losing others because outside myself I nothing
Yet inward, I, I, I,I, … so sickening
Wondering if He could or would want to see past me
And all that I have wrapperd around
Find my talents where they are buried
some where between self-perseverance and ego
intuitively aware…no! just listening
How can I honestly say I am not?
He is with me all the time holding me.
I say He will always be there and somewhere I inside
I fear He is already gone.
What is my purpose?
Why the mistrust?
Wasn’t it He that called me out of Egypt?
Grateful for a moment and now I show gratitude by lack of worship
Lack of adoration
Lack of love
Yet here I am still reminding myself
As if these truths are somehow new and not been placed in my heart
So very long ago.
Traveling forward with more awareness
Choices made not out of obligation, not out of a desire to belong to a community
Real commitment. Real desire. Real love.
Real Ezer.


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