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Thursday, December 8, 2011

THE BIG FAT TRUTH: Suck It Up Sweety

I am not the most merciful person that you will ever meet. It is something that I am definitely given in grace.  However, I think that at times there needs to be a little less coddling and a little more ownership for our own situations.  When we own what is our OWN doing we then are able to move forward.  This has been on my mind for some time as I am often hearing alot of woe is me... some of those voices coming from me too. Trust me, I am not sharing this as a finger pointing post.. I am sharing it for me too. We teach what we need to learn, right?

The BIG FAT TRUTH is that instead of focusing on all of our issues, we need to get over ourselves, suck it up and keep it moving.  Paul, the apostle who in case you don't know, didn't have a saintly background. He was a man who persecuted Christians then later converted and was persecuted himself.  He was beat with rods, flogged and in prison because of his belief and devotion to Christ.  Trust me, our financial woes, baby daddy/momma dramas, and/or daily gripes are NOT that insufferable when compared to what he went through.  If you read through his letters you will see the same theme. His attitude at all times was the same-always positive and always glorifying God. 

While in prison, (These prisons were not like prisons today. They were dark, unclean, prisoners were abused, chained and malnourished) Paul said, "what has happened to me, [this imprisonment] has actually only served to advance and give a renewed impetus to the [spreading of the] good news (the Gospel), See, Philippians 1:12.  Paul's attitude throughout was one of pressing forward for kingdoms purpose. He didn't whine and carry on to anyone that would listen about his circumstances. 

How though, do we get on the suck it up and keep it moving train? Paul handled his daily life whether in some jail after being beaten or on the outside by "keeping with my(his) own eager desire and persistent expectation  and hope, that I shall not disgrace myself nor be put to shame in anything; but that with the utmost freedom of speech and unfailing courage, now as always heretofore, Christ will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine and be boldly exalted in my person, whether through (by) life or through (by) death." See, Philippians 1:20

At the end of the day its a choice really isn't it? Our troubles can either define us, or we can use the troubles to define who God is in our life to the world. 

Be blessed wildly, 
Wendy xo


  1. Wendy, Your words always seem to make me think. Lately I have been woe is me. I keep trying to get myself back up on that train and move forward but occassionally fall off and find the pitty party. Your inspiration helps me climb back on to that train and move forward with my life. I can not change the actions of others in my life but I can change my life for the better.

  2. Ann,

    I love you! You are doing fantastic! Keep on keeping on!


  3. Great post Wendy! I think we all need to hear this once in a while.


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