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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Hello, all! My name is Stacey Leonard, and I’m from Stonewash & Bloom! S&B is an accessory shop, where you can find the cutest and most stylish headbands and accessories for all ages. : ) I personally wear every item, and I don’t make anything I wouldn’t LOVE to wear!
When did you get started?
I created S&B in May of this year (2011) as a survival tactic after my husband had been unemployed for almost five months. He is still unemployed, but we are trusting in our faithful God to continue providing in miraculous ways as He always has been. One day, I plan on truly investing in my business, but right now we just gotta do what we can. ; )
Where did you come up with the idea for your business?
I honestly don’t have an answer to this one! I guess it all started when one day I was bored out of my mind and wanted to make some headbands for myself. I created a couple, loved them, and posted pictures on Facebook. After several comments and messages to open an Etsy shop, I did! And so the story goes..
Why did you choose the name “Stonewash & Bloom”?
People may assume I am a girly girl. I love fashion, make headbands and jewelry, and have an unhealthy obsession with Disney movies. However, I am a tomboy at heart, and never miss an opportunity to go frog catching with mud up to my knees, or wrestle with the toughest of boys just to show that girls are strong too. : ) I wanted the name of my business to resemble both the rough and tough side of fashion, as well as the girly, ruffly, flowery side. Best of both worlds I suppose!
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Honestly, running a business with next to zero disposable income is HARD. I have had to be incredibly creative and frugal, but I enjoy that part. It makes it more of a challenge. : ) Plus, I trust in God for the success of this little venture. I’m not worried about fame or money or acknowledgement… I’m just trying to do the best I can with what God has put on my plate.
When you aren’t making accessories, what do you do?
SING. I sing all the time. All day. LOTS of Disney songs. I struggle with Tangled Rapunzel Identity Crisis everyday, and I think if she was real, we would be best friends. Hehe I also paint, draw, write music, play on Photoshop, do graphic design, dream of puppies, and spend time with the hubbs, friends, and family.
If you could describe yourself with two TV shows, what would they be?
Oooooh, hard one. I think Man vs. Wild and Once Upon A Time would sum it up. I have a LOT of favorite shows, but the combo between the outdoorsy risk-taking show and the fairytale mystery show resembles me the most. I think so, anyways! Maybe not. Hehe
How old are you?
I’m a whopping 22 years old! The wrinkles… OH THE WRINKLES….! Haha I often wonder “When am I going to feel like an adult?” And I’m sure once I finally do I will be saying “I wish I didn’t feel so much like an adult.” haha
Where can we read more about you and your business, Stonewash & Bloom?
Well, there are a few places actually! You can find me here:
Thanks for reading! Just for ya’ll, I’ve included a discount code for my shop that will expire a week from today! And thank you to Wendy for hosting me on here today! : )
Use the code Journey to get 15% OFF your entire order in the Stonewash & Bloom shop


  1. Dear Dubs,
    Thanks so much for having the super cute girl who is MORE THAN A DECADE younger than me go first.

  2. just checked out the esty shop- I love the creations! Gorgeous work, and definitely going on my Christmas list I'm handing off to my husband!
    : )


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