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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hi Journeyers!

I'm Teresa (commonly called T) from and I'm so happy to be writing for you today. The lovely Wendy asked me if I could share on the New Year and making resolutions. And of course I said, "Sure!" So here goes.

Every day we wake up with a blank page in front of us. It's just waiting to be filled, and we are the only ones that can decide what fills it. On January 1st we wake up with 365 blank pages (well 366 this year I think). A brand new, clean calendar. Call me crazy, but I find that clean calendar really exciting!
But we don't want it to stay clean.

It's a New Year.  And this is typically the time we think about resolutions and what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. Maybe 2011 was an awesome year, maybe it was just so so, or worse. But here's a new chance.

What's the first step? The first step is to figure out what you want! This is often the hardest part for me. Sometimes it feels selfish to think about what you want. Sometimes it doesn't seem like what we want is at all possible, so we give up before we start. But ask yourself this question that motivational speakers use over and over again, "What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?" This can be about anything, and trust me most of my goals will not be fitness related this year, but since I typically write about fitnessy topics, I'm going to try to put it in these terms. Let's just say you want to lose 50 pounds. This is your big goal.  And you need that big goal. You deserve to dream it. You deserve to achieve it. But how are you going to do it without getting overwhelmed and giving up?

By breaking it down to bite size, accomplish-able pieces, by making a Plan, a To Do list every day, by dirtying that calendar and following through. Everyday.

So we need to lose 50 pounds. Let's break it down. Let's be conservative (and realistic) and say we're going to do this in one year. When we're looking to 2013, we're going to be doing it at our ideal weight! Break it down, that's just over 4 pounds a month. Just under a pound a week. Sounds do-able right? It is! But you still need a plan, and you need to keep your eye on the prize and stick to it. You know what you need to do. You need to make a healthy eating plan and exercise plan. It's time to dirty that calendar. Make an appointment with yourself. Don't just say you're going to workout. Figure out what workout you're going to do and when you're going to do it. What workout is the best one? The one that  you'll do. Plain and simple.  When should you workout? The time that works best for you when you have the least possibility of being interrupted. If that means 4:30 a.m. then so be it. Or maybe that's like a dirty word to you so it's 9:30 p.m. I don't care. It needs to be what works for you. And you need to plan it.

Here's what a lot of fitness minded folks like to do. Plan out your workouts for the entire month. I'm showing you a calendar that I wrote out for myself. It's not January for two reasons. One, I made a mess of it. And two I thought the yarn on February was appropriate considering our host. ;) But my January and February are practically identical.  The advantages of putting your workouts on a calendar like this are 1) intending it. There is power in putting  your intentions down on paper. 2) You can see it laid out. 3) When you complete your daily workout it is fun to make a great big X through it! And if you don't, circle it. And  hopefully there are a lot more X's than circles at the end of the month.

My workouts will also be on my To Do list, which for me I keep on my iPhone with an app, called Awesome Note. This is another blog entirely, but it's so important to keep a To Do list, and to keep your goals in front of your face. And to have items on your To Do list each and every day that will PUSH you toward those goals. (This is a shameless plug for Chalene Johnson's book, which I'm thinking of doing a book club "study" of).

I'm getting wordy. And really I could go on and on and on. But hopefully, you're inspired to make those goals and put some action behind them. If you need help making a plan, well then that's what I'm here for. Feel free to look me up. :)

About Teresa: 

So this is me.
Who am I? Well, that’s a complicated question. I’m Jason’s wife. I’m Gabe and Megan’s mom. I’m a friend, a sister, a daughter. I’m an average woman with above average expectations.
I’m on a journey of self improvement and better fitness and I want you to come with me.  I want to be fit in all areas of my life, which of course the obvious; physical. But it’s also about being fit mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Maintaining balance in all areas of our lives. Our personal growth, our family relationships, and beyond.
I was trained to teach PiYo™ in November and Turbo Kick ™ and Hip Hop Hustle ™ at the end of January.  I’m currently teaching PiYo and working on bringing you Turbo Kick soon.
I’m also a Beachbody coach, the makers of the amazing fitness programs that started me on my journey and Shakeology. I want to be there for you, to help you reach your goals. To encourage and motivate you and hold you accountable.  Check out my Beachbody site or email me for more info. 
Find me on Twitter: @teresamormile

1 comment:

  1. Great post T. I'm so pumped for this year. I need to loose 10 more pounds and run my half marathon. Those are my goals for 2012. Then who knows maybe by the end of the summer I'll be running a full marathon. Let's not get to crazy though. LOl


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