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Sunday, July 15, 2012

We Are A Church

Over the last few weeks I have been on tour... ok not really tour but I have been to a few concerts and been able to be around people that are just as they are. They werent trying harder to be better they were just being who they are.  I am not writing this so that you can give me an opinion on what shows I saw or if you approve of the show.. Im writing about something that seems more like an epidemic lately.

Yesterday I saw a group of people sitting under a tree... bothering no one.  I then saw an uptight woman who was clearly not where she wanted to be having words back and forth with them. I heard someone from the group say "this is our church" and the woman scoffed, rolled her eyes and said "oh, please you are not a church" as if she had some authority to declare a "proper" church.  I am disgusted.  It seems more and moreI hear about so called christians scoffing and rolling their eyes at others telling them just how wrong they are.  I couldn't care less what the group of people were sitting under the tree doing... maybe they were worshiping God maybe they were not.  The point is that as Christians, we are not called to judge the hearts of others. See, Matthew 7:1-5, James 4:12, and John 8:7- to name a few.

Finally, if we really want to be used by God shouldn't we check ourselves and our opinions at the door? Maybe the scoffing woman wasnt a christian. BUT what I know for sure is that if she is, her grace has been given to her just as it has been to people that she may deem less than worthy... thats the point- we are all unworthy of it and yet it is offered to us freely.

Choose love and be blessed wildly,
wendy xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you Wendy. He should be the judge.. not us. It's not our call. It is however our call to love on them.


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