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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Selah

Going through any trial or difficult time in life can be overwhelming. During the last few years, I was struggling with a very difficult situation.  I could not see out my way out of it. It was like being deep in a forest where surely there is a way out but you don't know which way that is. 
The more that I tried to find my way out on my own, the more lost and confused I would get.  

Negative thought patterns that had developed as a result of the difficult situation mixed with years of wrong thinking kept me going in circles.  Finally after diving into the Word, I began to see that my thinking was not in line with God. In fact, it was in line with anything but God.  The more I studied and reflected on the truth of His word, the more I was able to see a pathway leading me. I did not have all the answers. The journey was not easy. I had to do my part, but He still rescued me. 

I still struggle  with my thought life. Old habits die hard. I have to constantly check my thinking patterns or have someone in my life remind me to take every thought captive. Life becomes easier when your thought life is in in check. I still have stuff, don't get me wrong. I "white knuckle" it when dealing with trust issues.  With that being said, I am grateful that despite having work left to do in this area, I am not where I was just a few months ago. {selah}

Choose love and be blessed wildly, 


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