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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Longing For More

Ezer Photography 

Summer is officially over.  I am a little sad to see it go.  It was a great summer, one that will be engraved forever in my heart and a very important part of my story.

Anyways, this last week I have been in a little bit of a funk. I think the in between of things drives me a little batty. Its not really summer, its not really fall... you know? I want to see the richness of  fall colors, I want to smell the cider but its just not the same when its 75 degrees outside.  I am not too picky am I? LOL!

So in all my "funkness" I start to get a little weary, uneasy, longing for more.  Snowball effect to just being miserable.  I don't have time for miserable. I really don't and its not who I authentically am. But why does something so small fester into something so big? Why am I longing?

Silly girl, of course I am longing. Of course I want more. I was made this way.  In the book, "Beautiful Outlaw", Eldredge perfectly sums it all up:

"Setting eternity in our hearts was cunning, so that every last one of us would be haunted all our days with unmet longings that would cause us to seek the only Fountain that can quench our thirst. " p. 124

These words were so encouraging to me this morning. Maybe instead of feeling like I am in a 'funk', maybe I am right on target.  It is ok to feel a sense of longing. It is ok because we were made to crave Him. What is not ok, is to be fooled into thinking it iss something else will fill your unmet needs, your longings, your cravings. Nothing will fill you but Him. Nothing. Not drugs, not alcohol, not a perfect body, not men, not women, not your children, not money, NOTHING... only Jesus.  The enemy of your soul will tell you differently so be careful! He will tell you that Jesus is not enough and these other things can fill you. So you go off scrambling for new gadgets, new jobs, more money, a different husband/wife, a new drug, a new magic pill.  There is no fix.  Just a terrible reciprocal causality of wanting more and unmet needs.  Guard your hearts and minds journeyers! In 1 Peter 5:8 we are warned,

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." NIV

My prayer for all of you today is that you would be enjoying this first day of autumn fully aware of all the beauty that surrounds you. In full knowledge that was done by a loving God that is wooing you, wanting you in a relationship with Him, telling you that He is with you and above all, He loves you.

Choose love and be blessed wildly,
Wendy xoxo

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